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How to Incorporate More Green Spaces into Your Life

May 09, 2024 ● By Desi Phillips

Green spaces are areas of natural or semi-natural vegetation that provide various benefits for people and the environment. Green spaces can improve air quality, reduce noise pollution, moderate urban heat, enhance biodiversity, and support mental and physical health. However, many urban areas lack sufficient green spaces, and many people do not have easy access to them. It is important to find ways to incorporate more green spaces into your life, whether you live in a city or a rural area. In this article, we will share some practical and creative ideas on how to create, use, and enjoy green spaces, and how to advocate for more green spaces in your community.

What are the Different Types of Green Spaces?

Green spaces can vary in size, shape, location, and function. Some of the common types of green spaces are:

How to Create Green Spaces in Your Life?

You don’t need to have a large backyard or a lot of money to create green spaces in your life. There are many simple and affordable ways to add more greenery to your home, workplace, or neighborhood. Here are some examples:

  • Display fresh or dried flowers: One of the easiest ways to bring nature into your home is with flowers. Displaying fresh or dried flowers will add a pop of color, an uplifting fragrance, and a subtle change of scenery to your home. You can buy flowers from a local florist or farmer’s market, or grow your own flowers to cut and dry.
  • Create an indoor garden: Creating an indoor garden is a fun and rewarding way to enjoy plants all year round. You can grow a variety of plants, such as herbs, succulents, ferns, or orchids, in pots, containers, or hanging baskets. You can also use creative and recycled materials, such as jars, cans, bottles, or pallets, to make your indoor garden more unique and eco-friendly.
  • Make a green wall or roof: Making a green wall or roof is a great way to transform a dull and unused space into a green oasis. You can use a modular system, such as a vertical garden kit, or DIY your own, using wooden frames, plastic bottles, or fabric pockets. You can plant a mix of low-maintenance and colorful plants, such as moss, ivy, lavender, or strawberries .
  • Start a community garden or farm: Starting a community garden or farm is a wonderful way to create a green space that benefits not only yourself, but also your neighbors and community. You can find a vacant lot, a rooftop, or a schoolyard, and get permission and support from the owners and authorities. You can also recruit and organize volunteers, donors, and sponsors, and plan the design, layout, and management of the garden or farm .
  • Plant a street tree or planter: Planting a street tree or planter is a simple and effective way to green your street and improve your curb appeal. You can contact your local council or utility company, and ask for permission and guidelines on how to plant and care for a street tree or planter. You can also choose a suitable and resilient species, such as a maple, a birch, or a magnolia, and water and prune it regularly .

How to Use and Enjoy Green Spaces in Your Life?

Creating green spaces is not enough; you also need to use and enjoy them regularly. Green spaces can provide you with many opportunities for recreation, relaxation, education, and socialization. Here are some examples of how to use and enjoy green spaces in your life:

  • Visit a park or garden: Visiting a park or garden is one of the best ways to enjoy nature and greenery. You can go for a walk, a picnic, a bike ride, or a play date, and admire the beauty and diversity of the plants and animals. You can also join or organize events and activities, such as yoga, art, music, or festivals, and meet new people and have fun.
  • Join a green roof or wall tour: Joining a green roof or wall tour is a great way to learn more about these innovative and sustainable structures. You can see different examples and designs of green roofs and walls, and discover how they work and what benefits they provide. You can also get inspired and motivated to create your own green roof or wall or to support more green initiatives in your city.
  • Volunteer at a community garden or farm: Volunteering at a community garden or farm is a rewarding and meaningful way to use and enjoy a green space. You can help with planting, watering, weeding, harvesting, or composting, and learn new skills and knowledge about gardening and farming. You can also share and enjoy the fruits of your labor, and make new friends and connections .
  • Adopt a street tree or planter: Adopting a street tree or planter is a simple and satisfying way to use and enjoy a green space. You can take responsibility for the maintenance and care of a street tree or planter, and watch it grow and flourish. You can also decorate and personalize it, and make it a part of your identity and community .
  • Explore a greenway or trail: Exploring a greenway or trail is a fun and adventurous way to use and enjoy a green space. You can go for a hike, a run, a bike ride, or a horseback ride, and enjoy the scenery and the fresh air. You can also discover new places and attractions, and learn more about the history and culture of the area .

How to Advocate for More Green Spaces in Your Life?

Creating, using, and enjoying green spaces are not enough; you also need to advocate for more green spaces in your life. Green spaces are not only good for you, but also for your community and the environment. However, many green spaces are under threat or underutilized, due to urbanization, development, or neglect. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness and take action to protect and promote green spaces in your life. Here are some examples of how to advocate for more green spaces in your life:

  • Educate yourself and others: Educating yourself and others is the first step to advocate for more green spaces in your life. You can learn more about the benefits, challenges, and opportunities of green spaces, and share your knowledge and passion with others. You can also use social media, blogs, podcasts, or newsletters, to spread the word and inspire others to join your cause .
  • Join or support a green organization: Joining or supporting a green organization is a powerful way to advocate for more green spaces in your life. You can find a local or national organization that works on green issues, such as parks, gardens, green roofs, or greenways, and become a member, a donor, or a partner. You can also participate in their campaigns, events, and projects, and contribute your time, skills, or resources .
  • Lobby or petition your government: Lobbying or petitioning your government is an effective way to advocate for more green spaces in your life. You can contact your elected representatives, such as your mayor, councilor, or MP, and express your views and concerns about green spaces in your area. You can also sign or start a petition, and gather signatures and support from your community, and present it to your government .
  • Create or join a green movement: Creating or joining a green movement is an exciting way to advocate for more green spaces in your life.